traditional house is traditional house in the Moluccas. Baileo custom homes as
a cultural representation of the people of Maluku has an important function in
the life of the people of Maluku.One of the functions of traditional house
Baileo is the place to gather all citizens. Associations of citizens in the
custom house Baileo an activity undertaken in order to discuss the problem lies
permasalahn-being faced by the local community. In addition, this place has
another function that is a place to store sacred objects, where ceremonies and
at the same place for deliberation.Baileo refers to the custom house in the
Indonesian Baileo means Hall. Making Baileo name into the name of the custom
house Baileo based on the function of the house where Baileo itself as a place
for deliberation to the indigenous or local groups. Custom house as a place of
deliberation. Baileo local community is a manifestation of democracy at this
time that has been done by the first community in the custom house Baileo.
Deliberation is usually done in the custom home include traditional elders,
traditional leaders, and local communities.
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