
Maluku, North Maluku, Halmahera. Village on the west side of Halmahera (from helicopter) (Bjorn Grotting)

   Maluku, province consisting of the southern portion of the Moluccas island group, in eastern Indonesia. The population of about 2 million is spread out on the islands, this is about one percent of the entire population of Indonesia. The people here are a unique mix of Malay from Asia and Papuans from Polynesia, with some European blood, mainly from the Portuguese. About half of the people is Christian Protestants, who live on the Central and Southern islands, the rest is mostly Muslim. A few are still holding on to the old gods and spirits. Maluku embraces more than 600 islands, the most prominent of which are Ceram (Seram), Buru, and Ambon, as well as the larger islands of the Banda, the Wetar, the Batar, the Tanimbar, the Kai and the Aruarchipelagos. The local weather is 24-28 Celcius Degrees.

          The province virtually encircles the Banda Sea and is bounded to the north and east by the Ceram Sea, beyond which lie the Indonesian provinces of North Maluku and West Papua, respectively. To the south Maluku is bounded by the Arafura Sea, the Timor Sea, and East Timor, and to the west, across the Banda Sea, it is bounded by the provinces of Southeast Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tenggara) and Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah). The capital city is Ambon, on the island of the same name, off the southwestern coast of Ceram, in the northern part of the province. Area 18,114 square miles (46,914 square km). Pop. (2000) 1,166,300; (2010) 1,533,506. 

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